Makes the client the primary concern in providing nursing care.
Educates others to learn about ethical practice.
Actively supports the creation of a practice environment that enables nurses to meet their ethical obligations.
Advocates for and participates in processes that promote ethical and accountable research practices.
Provides care in a manner that preserves and protects client dignity.
Educates others to provide care in a manner that preserves and protects client dignity.
Guides nurses and others in providing care in a manner that preserves and protects client dignity.
Ensures ethical guidelines are followed to protect research participants.
Demonstrates honesty and integrity.
Demonstrates honesty and integrity.
Demonstrates honesty and integrity.
Demonstrates honesty and integrity.
Clearly and accurately represents self with respect to name, title and role.
Clearly and accurately represents self with respect to name, title and role.
Clearly and accurately represents self with respect to name, title and role.
Clearly and accurately represents self with respect to name, title and role.
Protects client privacy and confidentiality.
Educates others to protect client privacy and confidentiality.
Protects client privacy and confidentiality.
Protects client privacy and confidentiality.
Recognizes, respects and promotes the client’s right to be informed and make informed choices.
Educates others to recognize, respect and promote the client's right to be informed and make informed choices.
Creates a practice environment that supports the client’s right to be informed and make informed choices.
Ensures clients have the information necessary to make informed choices about their participation in research.
Promotes and maintains respectful communication in all
interactions (14).
Promotes and maintains respectful communication in all
interactions; (14) educates others to do the same.
Promotes and maintains respectful communication in all
professional interactions; (14) guides others to do the same.
Promotes and maintains respectful communication in all
professional interactions
Treats colleagues, students and other health care workers in a respectful manner.
Treats colleagues, students and other health care workers in a respectful manner; educates others about respectful communication and ways to effect positive behaviour change in the workplace.
Treats colleagues, students and other health care workers in a respectful manner; addresses concerns related to
disrespectful behaviour (17) in the workplace.
Treats colleagues, students and other health care workers in a respectful manner.
Recognizes and respects the contribution of others on the health care team.
Recognizes and respects the contribution of others on the health care team.
Recognizes and respects the contribution of others on the health care team.
Recognizes and respects the contribution of others on the research and health care teams.
Makes equitable decisions about the
allocation of resources (15) under one’s control based on the needs of clients.
Makes equitable decisions about the
allocation of resources (15) under one’s control based on the needs of learners.
Makes equitable decisions about the
allocation of resources (15) under one’s control based on the needs of clients.
Identifies the effect of own values, beliefs and experiences in carrying out research activities; recognizes potential conflicts and takes actions to prevent or resolve.
Identifies the effect of own values, beliefs and experiences in carrying out clinical activities; recognizes potential conflicts and takes action to prevent or resolve.
Identifies the effect of own values, beliefs and experiences in carrying out educational activities; recognizes potential conflicts and takes actions to prevent or resolve.
Identifies the effect of own values, beliefs and experiences in carrying out administrative activities; recognizes potential conflicts and takes actions to prevent or resolve.
Identifies ethical issues; consults with the appropriate person or body; takes action to resolve and evaluates the effectiveness of actions.
Identifies ethical issues; consults with the appropriate person or body; takes action to resolve and evaluates the effectiveness of actions.
Assists others in identifying ethical issues; consults with the appropriate person or body; takes action to prevent or resolve and evaluates the effectiveness of actions.
Supports the establishment of mechanisms that assist nurses in recognizing and resolving ethical issues.
Initiates, maintains and terminates nurse- client relationships in an appropriate manner.
Initiates, maintains and terminates nurse- client relationships in an appropriate manner.
Implements educational activities that support the initiation, maintenance and termination of nurse-client relationships in an appropriate manner.
Guides nurses to initiate, maintain and terminate nurse-client relationships in an appropriate manner.