Section 6 of the Regulation lists restricted activities that do not require an order from a listed health professional. RPNs adhere to BCCNM RPN standards, limits and conditions including following the scope of practice standard Autonomous Scope of Practice and Client-specific Orders. The RPN scope of practice standards and related definitions of client-specific order, listed health professional and non-listed health professional can be found in Part 1. Some of the following BCCNM limits and conditions require an RPN to act with a client-specific order from a listed health professional.
Nursing diagnosis Wound care Intravenous Inhalation Instillation and injection Tuberculosis screening Assessing clients and treating conditions Hazardous forms of energy Issue an instruction or authorization for the application of energy Prescribing, compounding, dispensing, and administering medications Therapeutic diets
Nursing diagnosis
Wound care
Instillation and injection
Tuberculosis screening
Assessing clients and treating conditions
Hazardous forms of energy
Issue an instruction or authorization for the application of energy
Prescribing, compounding, dispensing, and administering medications
Therapeutic diets
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