Exam development
BCCNM and CNO have been committed to engaging with stakeholders throughout the exam development process. We thank stakeholders who contributed to the exam's development by providing feedback and/or participating in item writing and item review panels. For a full list of exam development activities, view the
exam development timeline.
Educator newsletter
In the year leading up to the launch of the REx-PN, BCCNM has been sharing information about the exam in a newsletter for educators. Each issue is distributed to leaders of B.C. practical nursing education programs for distribution as appropriate in their organizations.
Exam development documents
Four key documents informed the development of the REx-PN:
- Entry-level competencies
Competencies are the integrated knowledge, skills, behaviours, attitudes, critical thinking, and clinical judgment expected of an entry-level LPN to provide safe, competent, and ethical care. Entry-level LPNs are at the point of initial registration, following graduation from a BCCNM-recognized practical nursing education program.
On Sept. 1, 2020, the Entry-Level Competencies for Licensed Practical Nurses, a set of national entry-to-practice competencies for LPNs across the country, came into effect. These competencies, approved by the BCCNM board, are based on input from educators in nursing programs, recent LPN graduates, current LPNs, and other stakeholders across Canada.
- Practice analysis
Practice analysis was conducted in early 2019 and included participants from both B.C. and Ontario. A panel of subject matter experts was assembled, and a list of LPN activities was created and incorporated into a survey that was sent to newly licensed LPNs. We then collected and analyzed the data.
The national entry-level/entry-to-practice competencies were also mapped to the practice analysis to ensure the exam includes competencies essential for safe nursing practice.
Because the Canadian health care industry is evolving rapidly, practice analysis studies will be conducted by BCCNM and CNO on a five-year cycle.
- Test Plan
REx-PN Test Plan contains detailed information about the content areas to be tested by the REx-PN and describes how the exam is structured, including the exam’s length and how it is scored. The Test Plan can be used as a guide for students preparing to write the REx-PN and for educators looking to write REx-PN-style questions so they can help students prepare.
- Mapping document
- The
Mapping document compares the foundational entry-to-practice competencies needed by LPNs with the content covered in the REx-PN Test Plan. The REx-PN will not test everything an LPN needs to know throughout their career. It will test the competencies—knowledge, skill, and judgement—nurses are expected to have within the first year of practice to keep clients safe. The results of the mapping showed that all but one of these competencies map to the REx-PN activity statements and corresponding content.
External resources