On February 11, 2023, a panel of the Inquiry Committee approved a Consent Agreement between BCCNM and Wanda-Lee Lewis of Kamloops, to address practice issues that occurred between May 2019 and November 2021 related to her failure to create accurate and timely documentation in patient medical records, or at all, on multiple occasions, and falsifying documentation. Further, Ms. Lewis failed to communicate in a timely manner, or at all, with a resident's family member after the resident had a serious fall that resulted in injury and a transfer to hospital, as required by facility policy. Lastly, Ms. Lewis inaccurately documented in a resident's medical records that she administered a medication, when she in fact did not. Later she attempted to create false documentation to hide her error.
The Registrant has voluntarily agreed to terms equivalent to a limit and/or condition on their practice, including:
- A suspension of their nursing registration for 3 months;
- A public reprimand;
- A limit prohibiting them from being the sole regulated health professional on duty, working night shifts, providing regulatory supervision to nursing students, or orientating new staff;
- Remedial education in professionalism, ethics, documentation, medication administration, professional communication, conflict resolution, and person-centered care;
- Indirect supervision of their nursing practice for 6 months;
- Developing a learning plan which will be shared with their employer and with BCCNM.
The Inquiry Committee is satisfied that the terms will protect the public.