On June 10, 2022, a panel of the Inquiry Committee approved a Consent Agreement between BCCNM and Erika Sevilla of Abbotsford to address practice and conduct issues that occurred between February 2021 and February 2022 related to video-recording and posting videos to social media of residents in a long-term care facility without the capacity to provide informed consent, for breaching the terms of an agreement with BCCNM, and for misreporting annual practice hours.
The Registrant has voluntarily agreed to terms equivalent to a limit and/or condition on their practice, including:
A suspension of their nursing registration for 10-weeks;
A reprimand;
A limit prohibiting them from being the sole nurse on duty for 6-months; and
A regulatory practice consulting program to address the foundational issues underpinning this Agreement.
The Inquiry Committee is satisfied that the terms will protect the public.