On Jan. 21, 2025, a panel of the Inquiry Committee approved a consent agreement between BCCNM and the registrant to address practice issues that occurred between March 2023 and November 2023. The registrant attended work in person and virtually when they were not fit to practice. The registrant was diagnosed with and admitted to a having a health condition that was connected with their attendance at work while not fit to practice.
The registrant has agreed to follow the treatment recommendations of their physician that will provide necessary support for them to return to practice safely.
The name of the registrant has been withheld in accordance with section 39.3 (4) (a) of the Health Professions Act for the purposes of not identifying a registrant or their personal health information respecting the condition that impaired their ability to practice nursing or midwifery.
The Inquiry Committee is satisfied that the terms will protect the public.