Unshakeable confidence in nursing and midwifery care
BC's COVID-19 Immunization Plan
BCCNM, along with other partners in the BC Health Regulators group, is working closely with the BC Provincial Health Officer (PHO) and her team to help inform the rollout of the provincial vaccination plan.
Find out what we know right now.
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Telehealth Practice Standard rescinded effective March 1
BCCNM is creating a virtual care/ telehealth policy that aligns with the approaches and public safety focus of other regulators in Canada and internationally.
Revised limits and conditions for RNs and RPNs
The BCCNM board approved revisions to the limits and conditions related to RN and RPN prescribing for opioid use disorder. These changes come into effect March 1, 2021.
New BCCNM Board Chair and Vice Chair
On Jan. 28, 2021, the BCCNM board appointed Yvonne Savard as the new Board Chair and Pinder Cheema as the new Vice Chair.
Happy Family Day!
The BCCNM office will be closed on Monday, Feb. 15, 2021 for Family Day.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our office is currently closed to walk-in traffic.
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