The BCCNM Board recently approved fees for the 2024-25 registration year. A summary of fee changes is provided below; check the
fees page for a full list of fees for nurse practitioners (NPs).
In 2024-25, practicing NPs will pay $967.25 in BCCNM registration fees. The non-practising registrant fee will be $124.10. This is an increase of 12%.
Why are fees increasing?
- Who determines BCCNM fees?
- BCCNM fee decisions are made by the
BCCNM Board, who work with college leadership to use its resources wisely and ensure that BCCNM is able to effectively meet its mandate.
- What do BCCNM registration fees pay for?
- Registrant fees fund the work of the college in fulfilling its mandate to protect the public. Our core work includes:
Scope of practice and standards: We determine the scope, professional standards and practice standards. To meet changes in the health-care landscape, existing standards must be reviewed and updated regularly, and new standards developed.
Education program review and recognition: We review and recognize education programs in BC to ensure new graduates can practise safely, competently, and ethically.
Registration: We establish the requirements for registration and assess applicants to determine if they meet those requirements.
Continued competence: We maintain a quality assurance program that promotes continued competence throughout the career of a nursing professional or midwife.
Investigating complaints: We investigate and take action to resolve complaints related to registrant practice.