Registration renewal starts on Feb. 1, 2023. Here are the things you need to know.
Updated payment options
You’ll have more payment options when you renew this year. Based on feedback from registrants, we’ve added Apple Pay and Google Pay to our payment methods. If you'll be using one of these options, make sure you set up your account in advance to avoid delays during renewal. Visit the
Methods of Payment page for all payment options and frequently asked questions.
2023-24 fees
Changes to continuing competencies requirements
There are a few changes to continuing competencies for 2023:
Returning to pre-pandemic schedule: In 2023, the requirement will return to the established schedule, after two years of an adjusted schedule to accommodate challenges of completing education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you are a practising midwife, check whether you need to recertify in any areas prior to renewal.
No more uploads: Practising midwives will now be able to attest to having earned the required competencies on their renewal application, rather than submitting copies of the certificate(s). Registrants are required to retain proof of certification for their records in the event that continuing competencies are audited. Learn more.
- Online courses accepted: Registrants may now complete versions of approved courses in the Policy on Continuing Competencies that are delivered entirely online.
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