In July 2022, we sent a survey to all Certified Practice nurses about proposed scope of practice limits and conditions. We thank everyone who took part and are pleased to report we had 264 responses (a 20% response rate).
The proposed limits and conditions clarify the requirements to be met by RNs performing activities authorized under Section 8 (Restricted activities for certified practice registrants) of the Nurses (Registered) and Nurse Practitioners Regulation.
What we heard
Most respondents (94%) felt that the draft limits and conditions were easy to understand, and 91% felt they would support safe practice. Of those who responded about “Remote Practice", most felt this term represented their practice, and there should be consideration for separating the requirements for Remote Practice from Reproductive Health. We are giving these responses careful consideration.
In addition to the overall feedback providing general agreement for the RN scope of practice limits and conditions, there were several common themes and comments. These included:
- Questions about the new activity of prescribing
- Requirements for maintaining competency
- Learning resources related to Certified Practice
Respondents also commented on system barriers such as access to education, and nursing scope of practice expansion to better meet population needs.
Responses to this survey will also inform the development of learning resources to support nurses in understanding the proposed limits and Conditions.
We thank nurses for their engagement—feedback from our registrants is valued and important.
You can also visit the Certified Practice section of our website.